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There are many concerns when moving a pet, and as a pet owner, there is a lot of considerations.  The welfare of the animal must be taken into consideration, as well as, the laws in regards to the animal in the new town you’ll be moving.  Following are some helpful tips to help secure your pet’s move, as well as, their transition into their new home.

  1.  If your move happens to be an overseas move, then you need to take the time to read the pet regulations of the country in regards to moving the pets to the country.  Some countries may require that the pets be quarantined for a set amount of time.  If your move is within the US, then read the pet regulations that pertain to the state.  You may find that if the state is rabies free the pet can be quarantined for up to 120 days.
  2. When it’s time to transport your pet know the rules!  Pets must be transported with you and not in the moving van.  Pets are not always the best travelers and it is important that you have them secured within the vehicle for the safety of you and the passengers within the vehicle as well as the pets. Be sure that you bring comforts for the animal, as well as, its leash.
  3. If you are flying to your new location, and traveling with a pet, then check the airline rules for pets.  Not all airlines have the same set of standards for pet flights and it will be important that you have the pet properly secured in an airline approved carrier specific to the airline you’ll be traveling.   You will most likely be required to provide proof of the pet’s vaccine records.
  4. Properly tag your pet with identification.  It is crucial when transporting your pet, as well as, when your pet gets to your new area that the pet has the proper identification.  Remember, that just because they be right next ot you or traveling on an airline, they could be lost, and without the proper identification you may not get them back.  Tag your pet with your name, the pet’s name, your cell phone or phone number you can be reached at or a friend or relative’s phone number, and your new address and phone number.
  5. Check the local laws concerning pets in your new area.  Each state and county has specific laws regarding pets.  It is important that you are familiar with the laws for the protection of your pet.  Also, your pet will need to be licensed within a certain amount of time when you move to your new town or state.